Fully automated buyback trading bot based on Fibonacci series

Matt | NVision.finance
2 min readJun 22, 2021

Website: https://nvision.finance/

Telegram: https://t.me/nvisionfinance



Current problem:

The success of the taxed transaction token market depends on the trust and certitude of the team in control of buyback wallets. There is a risk of human error, greed , and conflicts between the developers and teams. Failure to deliver on promises is the status quo in crypto and rug pulls are all too familiar.

nVision tokens have a total supply of 500 million tokens at the launch price 0.00001$. The goal is to achieve a stable price of 1$ per token in the next three months.

We will deploy a custom trading bot which will accumulate and buyback NVISION tokens as soon as the accumulated ETH amounts reach the each sequence in the Fibonacci series.

Fibonacci’s mathematical formula

The Fibonacci Sequence works in such a way that each number in the sequence is a sum of the two numbers that precede it.

The Mathematics of Beauty and the Golden Ratio


The trading bot will trigger the buyback wallet to buy tokens once the number of ETH in it passes the first 10 values in the Fibonacci series:

[1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55]

Free Airdrop:

While we focus on building the product the community will be rewarded for helping us spread the word in exchange for Nvision tokens.

We will airdrop 10 million $NVISION tokens to the top 50 winners of our whitelist challenge.

Whitelist Challenge: https://nvision.finance/contest/

Fill the form: https://forms.gle/2VgXpZb2hWvk6EF8A

Follow us on twitter for more updates: https://twitter.com/nvisionfinance

